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Weekly Tarot Message & New Moon in Aries: Opening the Narrow Doors of Our Existences

The Cosmic Tale at the New Moon

For astrologers that use the tropical zodiac in their astrological practice, the entry of the Sun in the sign of Aries on March 20th marks the beginning of the astrological year and the collective rebirth of the western world.

This week, the New Moon follows within hours of the Sun’s entry in the sign of the Ram. Therefore, the Tarot reading of this week sets the tone not only for the week ahead, but its essence colors the next twelve months, particularly for individuals born with the sign of Aries prominent in their astrological charts.

Therefore, the Tarot reading of this week sets the tone not only for the week ahead, but its essence colors the next twelve months, particularly for individuals born with the sign of Aries prominent in their astrological charts.

Many of the celestial signatures in the sky are reflected in the myth associated with the divinatory meaning of the card I intuitively picked for the week. These celestial patterns are as follows:

  • Aries, Gemini, Pisces emphasis with Venus in dignity in her own home of Taurus, creating a split between Mind, Spirit and Mystical longings with reality and embodiment.

  • The dreamlike quality and lack of clear perception is also reflected in the alignment of the Sun (awareness) and Moon (subconscious patterns) with the midpoint between Neptune (dreams, illusions) and Mercury (our ability to perceive reality and communicate our perceptions). This can help remove barriers in self-definition and self-awareness, but it can also do the reverse, create illusions about what one is capable of with one’s free-will. Neptune also tints Mars, still in the sign of Gemini. Mars describes our ability to take action and defend our castles. This suggests that we may not win the battles we set out to win because of a lack of clear goals or clear planning. We may believe we are clear about our aims and motivations, but maybe we are not so clear about them.

  • The Sun and the Moon in Aries are also tightly connected to Ceres in the opposite sign of Libra, the asteroid representing our ability to take on responsibilities, particularly those of carers and nurturers. This opposition may indicate that our initiatives may meet with resistance from others because of shared responsibilities. In others words, going solo or moving forward without others’ input can get us into trouble because we are under the illusion that we can go about our business on our own.

  • Uranus, the planet representing new ideas and technology is thrown into the Sun-Moon combination and its difficult alignment tells us that changes we want to effect may not yield the positive results we expect, particularly in the area of financial and material stability.

  • The Sun and Moon can lean unto the creative combination of the Mars-Venus midpoint in the Sign of Gemini, helping us formulate and explore different ideas through intellectual exchanges and explorations.

  • Venus in Taurus is the only planet we can turn to and trust for ultimate guidance, and her agenda of providing material and physical pleasure can create tension with our desire for spiritual and mental freedom as expressed by the other planetary factors. Venus is also in close conjunction with the North Node indicating the potential for encounters that can enhance our material and financial stability.

The Intuitive Perspective on the New Moon: The Knight of Wands

Video Introduction

The Knight of Wands traditionally depicts inspired and decisive action with the quality of boldness and intuitive perception of the future as the motivating factor behind the urge to act.

It takes on a different and deeper dimension in the Mythic Tarot as designed by Liz Greene and Juliet Sharman Burke.

Linked with the figure of Bellerophon, the tragic Greek hero that defeated the Chimera, the fire-breathing she-monster, the card suggests our struggle against earthly limitations and how we can overcome them through the power of our imagination and our intuition. The card can also warn us of the dangers of denying reality because it does not live up to our visions and aspirations.

Bellerophon’s fatal psychological flaw was to believe that he was equal to the Olympic gods and that he belonged in their realm. Using Pegasus, the very same magical being that helped him vanquish the Chimera, he flew in hubristic stance towards Olympus, but was shot down and killed by no less than Zeus, the God of the gods himself.

Bellerophon's taming of his imagination as represented by Pegasus with the golden bridle given by Athena, the voice of reason, was what helped him vanquish the Chimera in the first place. But when he gave up reason as counterweight to his imagination, he lost it all in a single act of delusional grandeur.

It is up to us this week and throughout the year ahead to use our imagination and our intuition wisely if we are to overcome mundane issues in order to be more spiritually and mentally free. In the process, wut we must not forget the importance of giving ourselves the right to equally appreciate wordly pleasures by tapping into our personal resources and talents. This upward, downward movement can characterize the spirit of the year ahead as well. Magical thinking or acting entitled while denying reality can bring disastrous results if not balanced with reason and a healthy relationship with reality.

It is up to us this week and throughout the year ahead to use our imagination and our intuition wisely if we are to overcome mundane issues in order to be more spiritually and mentally free.

On a personal level, this card can suggest a week of major transitions that can rejuvenate our spirit. Relocation, traveling, new job opportunities, new relationships, new studies. While exciting and mind expanding at first, by the end of the week, we may find ourselves challenged by material demands and mundane matters.

Focus for your personal initiatives during this month

In general, the New Moon in Aries is the ideal time for personal initiatives and actions to obtain a desired goal.

Here are the areas of focus for personal initiatives for each Zodiac signs.


With Mercury, Jupiter and Chiron as principles related to your personal initiatives, writing, communicating or teaching can serve as ways to highlight or even learn more about yourself.


This month is indicative of the contrast between your need to take care of your body and your image, but also your need to nourish your soul. It is favorable for spontaneous encounters.


The New Moon suggests that you take initiative in the social sphere and participation in groups, clubs or associations. During this month, you are allowed to initiate a project for the betterment of society or your organization.


The New Moon invites you to think about advancing your career or improving your social standing. You may turn to your friends or social circle for advice and support.


Career advancement may require an investment in higher education.


The New Moon encourages you to look deep within yourself to unleash aspects of your personality that could serve your growth.


Sharing responsibilities with others will become important for your personal and financial growth if you open yourself up to others.


Your daily life requires you to be more spontaneous and free of unnecessary worries. Initiatives in this direction will help you during the coming month.


The New Moon encourages you to take that trip you have always wanted to take. This can help reduce the stress yo have accumulated in recent months.


Your creativity can be used to Improve your living conditions.


Short trips to visit family members can bring you joy and pleasure. The new Moon also indicates that initiatives into expanding your network can yield positive results.


The New Moon highlights the potential for new investments. Make sure you read the fine print before signing any documents.

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