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Weekly Tarot Message (13-19 March 2023) : Holding Firmly the Flame of Hope and Vision

Video Introduction

A Deeper Look Into the Tarot Message

Homer writes in the Odyssey that for 10 years, Queen Penelope managed her kingdom and took care of her son Telemachus while fighting off many men who kept making advances, trying to shake her belief that her husband would return from the Trojan War. She kept herself busy and found creative ways to sustain her vision and never give up hope that her husband, hero Odysseus, would come home.

This week, the Queen of Wands in the guise of the mythic figure of Queen Penelope of Ithaca asks us how faithful we are to our unique gifts, our creativity, our beliefs and our visions.

Can we ward off the hurdles and the naysayers? Can we remain loyal and committed to our inner vision?

Penelope, painting by Thomas Seddon
In Homer's Odyssey, Queen Penelope managed her kingdom and took care of her son Telemachus while fighting off many men suitors, in total commitment to her belief that her husband would return from the Trojan War. Image : Penelope, painting by Thomas Seddon

In the face of too many wordly demands, we may lose faith in ourselves. Even when we have to be brave and inspiring to others, it could feel empty within.

As every Tarot card carries a shadow side, this card may tell that in certain areas of our lives, we are too rigid with our vision of life, too fearful of change and that maybe, that little voice we listen to may just be a flight of fancy, a fight against reality. We may have a glimpse of these areas during the week.

In general, though, the Queen of Wands appears to remind us that a stable, warm, inspiring fire lives within us to help us overcome obstacles and give us a sense of meaning and purpose. It is up to us to fan its flames.

And if we have lost touch with that inner flame, some inspiring and uplifting event or some charismatic and cheerful person will set our inner world on fire again.

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