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October Full Moon in Aries (pt. 2 of 2): Staying committed or going solo?

Full Moon of October 20

While at the beginning of the month, our thoughts turned to alliances, tact, strategy and compromise as a means to resolve presenting issues in our lives, the Full Moon reminds us not to forget ourselves in the equation. Our collective emotional inclination leans towards more independence and freedom, although we know this may not yield the best possible results. Staying committed or going solo? This is the question the stars require us to answer at this time.

Staying committed or going solo? This is the question the stars require us to answer at this time.

Staying committed or going solo? This is the question.

However, the interests of the community and of humanity still takes precedence over personal goals and initiatives with a heavenly emphasis on universally oriented signs.

The Mercury - Chiron opposition reminds us to turn our tongues several times in our mouths to avoid being hurtful or negatively reacting to hurtful words from others. Information can make us aware of the suffering of others and lead us to greater awareness and reconciliation.

Even though Neptune is still in the water sign of Pisces, it is not supported by any other planets in this element, putting tenderness, sensitivity, empathy towards ourselves and others at the bottom of our priorities. Right now we want justice, fairness, inspiration, adventure, but also personal freedom and empowerment.

Direct motion of many planets

As previously mentioned, at the beginning of October, several planets (Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Pluto) were in retrograde motion symbolizing a collective holding back. At the Full Moon, on October 20th, all these planets, except Uranus, are moving forward, the most important on the personal level being Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn, indicating important collective milestones.

The direct movement of Mercury in the sign of Libra from October 17 and onward signals that our ability to think strategically will improve and that communication within partnerships can become more fluid. Achieving a common understanding will become easier. We must expect changes of plans and opinions.

As usual, people born with the signs of Gemini or Virgo prominent in their birth charts or who have these signs occupied by planets at their birth are concerned by the Mercury retrograde motion. The sectors of life of our respective astrological charts governed by the signs of Gemini or Virgo will also undergo the necessary changes to restore balance and harmony.

Individuals born with the Sun in Libra, Aries, Cancer and Capricorn of the 2nd and 3rd decans are directly affected by the current movement of Mercury through the sign of Libra. They will instigate or receive important news with significant repercussions on their objectives or those of others, implying difficult choices.

For people born in the last decan of the sign of Aquarius, Leo, Scorpio and Taurus, Jupiter moving forward announces a breath of fresh air, opportunities for growth and renewed optimism about the future.

Jupiter moving forward announces a breath of fresh air, opportunities for growth and renewed optimism about the future for Leos, Aquarius, Taurus and Scorpio-born individuals.

However, as natives of the first decan of these signs (Taurus, Aquarius, Leo and Scorpio) are currently learning with the direct motion of Saturn – also in the sign of Aquarius – patience, organization and structuring are tantamount for this potential to be anchored in reality and deliver long-term results. Saturn demands sacrifices in the present to guarantee a better future.

Leos, Scorpios, Taurus and Scorpios born in the first decan must learn about patience, organization and structuring for their vision of the future to become reality.

With the Libra-Aries axis of equilibrium highlighted in the sky, it will be necessary to find the right proportions between:

  • Our need for personal freedom, spontaneity and the need to relate.

  • Frank and direct action versus tact and strategy to get what we want.

  • Personal action - joint action.

  • Between daring to break free and the status quo

The fear of losing our allies or breaking our commitments may cripple us.

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