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New Moon in Pisces : Letting New Talents Emerge From The Depths of Our Souls

The arrival of the Sun in the sign of Pisces marks the end of the yearly solar cycle around the Zodiac band, and collectively, we may sense a certain weariness about the state of affairs in the world and in our lives.

The series of New Moon that started around the first degree of the signs Virgo to Aquarius since last Fall will culminate with the Aries New Moon Solar Eclipse squaring Pluto in April. It may be required that we sacrifice something we began last Fall. Or it may transpire that events that began last Fall may be challenged and forced into adaptation with the greater good as the underlying guiding principle.

Pisces is one of the 4 universal signs that represents the ocean out of which we individually and collectively come from and to which we all return at the end of our journeys. It carries many paradoxes: the current that pushes us towards hope and creative inspiration, but also the current that brings us to experience pain and sorrow. As such, the themes of compassion and surrender to larger collective issues are usually connected to this sign.

Pisces as a sign carries many paradoxes: the current that pushes us towards hope and creative inspiration, but also the current that brings us to experience pain and sorrow.

On a personal level, we may need to consider the state of our connection to our soul and psychic well-being, whether through personal issues or issues affecting those we are close to.

Individually and collectively, while this New Moon may ask that we make certain sacrifices, it also points to areas where we may find personal grace and personal redemption during the month ahead.

Venus in the last degree of Pisces aligns with Pluto, also in the last degree of Capricorn, promising the emergence or recycling of talents that can help us in our pursuit of a better position in the world.

This alignment can also promise the transformation of relationships, current and past, particularly those related to work, so they can be in better alignment with our goals.

Here are quick video messages for each Zodiac signs.

Aries to Cancer

Leo to Scorpio

Sagittarius to Pisces

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