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New Moon in Aquarius : Finding Protection, Comfort And Our True Selves In the Midst of Strangers

The beginning of the month of February coincides with the New Moon in Aquarius which sets the tone for the following 14 days days until the Full Moon.

During the course of the month of February, we will be asked to bring a unique contribution to the political, scientific, psychological or social betterment of society. It will also be the month to help and care for friends or bring support to groups and associations we belong to.

Our collective mood shifts from the deeply emotional and personal needs of the previous lunar phase in Cancer to the impersonal, friendly, and progressive needs of the collective that Aquarius represents.

At this time, we feel our friends, our community need us and in turn, we may also benefit from their support.

Being part of a group of like-minded individuals will make us feel safe and protected. We may even find our purpose or identity within group interactions during this month.

Woman being supported in a group.
Being part of a group of like-minded individuals will make us feel safe and protected.

As supporting energies to the New Moon, the Capricorn and Pisces celestial emphasis bring structured and patient determination as well as faith in humanity and the hope for human connections. With these energies as sub tones to the New Moon, whatever seeds we plant at the beginning of the month in terms of initiatives or long term goals cannot be too progressive or too damaging to our interconnectedness. Some caution and care for the most vulnerable must be applied.

Astrological chart of the New Moon.
As supporting energies to the New Moon, the Capricorn and Pisces celestial emphasis bring structured and patient determination as well as faith in humanity and the hope for human connections. Chart of the new Moon drawn using the Solar Fire software.

Mars and Venus, both in Capricorn, coming very close to a conjunction during the month, face the backlash of Chiron in Aries. Collectively and personally, we may feel hurt and damaged in our ability to express our individuality. We may feel we are acting and relating with one another in ways that do not benefit our individual rights.

Mercury retrograde in Capricorn also leans towards expressing socially acceptable opinions or ideas.

It will not be an easy month as pressure may felt to bring quick fixes to shifting values in society, sudden financial upheaval or material downturns (Uranus in Taurus). The high ethical standards and the need for truth that characterizes the Aquarius archetype may be forced to unexpectedly adapt to the practical requirements of the collective need for stability and the sensual enjoyment of life (Taurus).

Aquarius born individuals are primarily concerned with this New Moon and the start of a new project or life phase that will benefit their reputation and provide them with emotional security, particularly if born between January 31 and February 9.

Scorpio born individuals may face tensions within groups as their loyalty and allegiances may be tested, particularly those persons born between November 3 and November 12.

Taurus born individuals may have to put be their pride aside and turn to friends or their community for assistance. This is especially true if born between May 1 and May 10.

Leo born individuals may be caught in a situation that will require that they to give in to group consensus for emotional support and personal validation.

In general, Libras, Geminis, and Sagittarius born individuals can benefit from the circumstances that will unfold during this month.

For Aries, Cancer and Pisces born individuals, the seeds of this New Moon may sprout a bag of mixed blessings.

While the need for social recognition and social participation may be strong during this month, it may come at a certain price. We may stifle our authentic selves and true needs for fear of being cast out of groups and communities. Worse, we may point the finger at those who are expressing their true selves and emotions.

This is the dark side or our nature that we we must be mindful about during this month.

Man being scapegoated.
We may point the collective and individual finger at those who are expressing their true selves and emotions because we are stifling our true selves and needs.

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