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March 28 Libra Full Moon : Words and Thoughts Can Affect Relationships and Entire Communities

Updated: Apr 4, 2021

The Full Moon will occur in Montreal at 14h48 on Sunday, March 28.

It is emphasizing partnerships and the balance required between self-assertion and compromise. (Libra Moon and Aries Sun). It is set against the awareness that our collective values of freedom and independence have been damaged and wounded (Venus and Chiron in Aries in conjunction with the Sun). However, the accent on the element of Air (Gemini, Libra and Aquarius) reminds us that we must use clarity, logic and detachment when expressing ourselves and in our actions, for if we are too quick and impulsive, we may have an impact in our immediate community and beyond. It is a Full Moon that reminds us that we must be responsible citizens and that certain rules of conduct are required for building stronger alliances and networks (Saturn in Aquarius). Although we are required to be clear in our exchanges with our partners and our communities (Mars in Gemini conjunct the Moon's Nodes), we may not be able to think clearly enough to do so at this time (Mars in Gemini in conflict with the Mercury/Neptune conjunction in Pisces). Our thoughts may be swayed by collective undercurrents we are not aware of. It is important to distinguish between fact and fiction, look through our own self-illusions, before sharing freely and openly our thoughts and ideas .Otherwise, we may be generating more hurt than harmony.

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