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Full Moon, Partial Eclipse In Taurus: Choosing Wisely To Take The Next Step In Our Evolution

Around 3:57 AM on Friday, November 19, 2021, the Moon will be full at 27° of the sign Taurus. It will also be “the longest partial lunar eclipse in 580 years, lasting just over 6 hours, with its pass through the darkest part of Earth's shadow taking about 3 hours, 28 minutes and 23 seconds, and also the longest this century”, according to the website, SPACE.COM.

Astrological chart of the partial lunar eclipse and Full Moon of November 19, 2021
Chart of the Full Moon : Venus serves as the bridge between two groups of warring psychological needs in search of a compromise.

Full Moons manifest what was seeded at the New Moon, 14 days earlier, when the Sun and Moon were in conjunction, in unison, translating psychologically in one-sidedness and subjectivity.

In contrast to the New Moon, at the Full Moon, the Sun and Moon oppose each other: it is a time to take in a different point of view, to asses results and to adjust our perceptions and actions. Taking a step back to reflect is a requirement. The ability to achieve this depends on the astrological signs involved and the support or lack of support from other celestial bodies.

At this Full Moon, the celestial supporting cast must serve the purpose of merging the solar quest – or objective - for cleansing, change and transformation (Scorpio) with the lunar need for preserving life and stability (Taurus). The Sun is conscious of the importance of regeneration and transformation, seeking emotional truth and intimacy, but the Moon wants to keep things as it is, therefore obstructing the Sun's quest. Our emotions and instincts lead our conscious goals and desires in the opposite direction. We may want to ignore them, but that only increases the tension and conflict within ourselves and with others. In Taurus, the Moon is clingy and seeking others to stay the same. She needs physical affection, closeness and touching. She may overindulge in sensual comforts and pleasures, using food as substitute for emotional comfort and love.

However, the Sun and Moon are not the only celestial bodies in a standstill.

Mars and Uranus are also facing each other, pitting personal will and desire against group thought and emerging ideas in the collective.

All four of these psychological drives are spread out in the Scorpio – Taurus axis, two signs representing energies not known to give up easily for they are at the heart of our attachments and survival needs.

The call to act in service of our personal evolution faces disruptions and changes. This can renew our passion and determination to seek progress – or bring about unnecessary conflicts and physical harm. Emotionally, it feels like navigating through an asteroid field or walking into a mine field.

Asteroid field
The Full Moon will feel like navigating through an asteroid field .

Venus, the planet associated with resources – both inner and outer— as well as partnerships, art and beauty, serves as the bridge between the two groups of warring psychological needs in search of a compromise. Traveling in Capricorn, she favors experience and maturity. She seeks partners that will further her social standing or make her career advance. She is serious about commitment and marriage. When faced with financial and material decisions, she plans carefully and aims for long term results. There is no risk to take for she does not like to lose face in the eyes of her family and peers. Venus is Capricorn may invite us to master a creative pursuit or hobby, to fully commit ourselves to it.

Because Venus is linked to Mars in Scorpio and Uranus in Taurus, this can ignite intense and unconventional attractions as well as sudden, creative outburst that can help resolve the tension between the Sun and Moon, Mars and Uranus.

The key is to choose wisely. In Greek mythology, Paris’ immature choice to favor the goddess of love over reason and worldly success triggered the Trojan War. We must be weary of what we turn to or whom we turn to achieve our need for emotional stability and personal evolution.

Lover's card in the Mythic Tarot deck by Liz Greene and Juliet Sharman-Burke
The Lovers Card in the Mythic Tarot reminds us to evaluate the impact of our choices if we do not want to set off a war.

Individuals born between the following dates may find this Full Moon more challenging, but with patience and perseverance, will prevail over obstacles:

  • · February 11 and February 18 (Aquarius)

  • · May 12 and May 20 (Taurus)

  • · August 14 and August 22 (Leo)

  • · November 14 and November 22 (Scorpio)

Cupids’ arrows are aimed at individuals born between the following dates:

  • · May 02 and May 11 (Taurus)

  • · July 02 and July 12 (Cancer)

  • · September 04 and September 13 (Virgo)

  • · November 04 and November 13 (Scorpio)

  • · January 03 and January 11 (Capricorn)

  • · March 01 and March 10 (Pisces)

Individuals born between these dates will feel as though they have been hit with a bolt of lightning:

  • · August 03 and August 13 (Leo)

  • · February 01 and February 10 (Aquarius)

Creative solutions are within our reach, but it will take effort and patience to push forward and achieve the necessary balance to protect what we have and get rid of what is no longer of use for our survival, both personally and socially. Anger should not be aimed at others nor should it be aimed at oneself.

Understanding that our attachments and needs for emotional security may prevent us from moving to the next level in our lives is really the issue of this Full Moon.

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