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Full Moon in Pisces of Sudden Releases, Surrender and Acceptance

The Full Moon of September 10, 2022 asks us to put our minds to rest and let the waters of our unconscious minds appease and cleanse our souls.

Chart of the Full Moon using the Solar Fire application: the Sun - Moon polarity is strongly connected to Uranus, the Awakener and Liberator, as well as Neptune, the Dreamer and Mystic. The cluster of Feminine energy in Pisces reveals the necessity to surrender and be accepting of our shortcomings.

The temporary suspension of personal initiatives and activities may be required as new information makes us pause, think and weigh the pros and cons.

The Full Moon of September 10, 2022 asks us to put our minds to rest and let the waters of our unconscious minds appease and cleanse our souls.

The way forward in the next two weeks may be by leaning on our dreams and intuitions as we embrace the beauty of our ordinary lives and find joy in the little details that make every day life flow and function. Bringing magic into our daily life can enhance and expand our awareness of the beauty that surrounds us. This will in turn reveal that beauty and joy can only emanate from within ourselves.

Bringing magic into our daily life can enhance and expand our awareness of the beauty that surrounds us. This can help us find joy on a daily basis.

Here are some possible outcomes for each zodiacal signs in the next two weeks as viewed through the lenses' of this Full Moon which brings closure to matters brought to our attention or that were seeded 14 days earlier at the New Moon :

♈️ Aries - Fueling your ambitions keeps you alive, but the next two weeks may be about retreating in your inner world for spiritual cleansing and physical restoration before you can move forward with more confidence.

♉️ Taurus - Keeping a flexible attitude towards your long term goals and aspirations may be needed. Some may have to be let go as you realize through unexpected turn of events that they cannot realistically be achieved. For some, this may be a relief.

♊️ Gemini - Things at work can become unexpectedly more chaotic or more fluid, depending on the new elements you have included in your routine 14 days earlier.

♋️ Cancer - Sacrificing some of your cherished beliefs may bring you peace of mind and allow for better communication with your entourage.

♌️ Leo - If you have wisely put financial matters in order 14 days earlier, you may reap the results of these efforts within the next 2 weeks.  In some instances, letting go of the past can bring profound changes and healing.

♍️ Virgo - The next two weeks will be about loving, accepting and embracing the totality of your being by forgiving others for their shortcomings.

♎️ Libra - Going with the flow may be a healthy approach to your routine in the next two weeks, even though a new set of intentions at the New Moon 14 days earlier may have given you hope for a better anchorage in your daily life.

♏️ Scorpio -  The next two weeks may be dedicated to finalizing some personal creative project. Conclusion in this area may require some flexibility and trust in life.

♐️  Sagittarius -  Matters at home may pull you away from your duties and require care and compassion as a result of a situation at work that began 14 days ago.

♑️ Capricorn - The next two weeks may see you finalizing an important contract in an unexpected manner. 

♒️ Aquarius - Unexpected resources may come your way as a consequence of the financial initiatives or joint ventures undertaken 14 days before.

♓️ Pisces - The next two weeks will see you address and bring to a conclusion the matters that were brought to your attention via your partnerships 14 days before. You may tap into new ideas in order to achieve your goals.

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